poetry in motion
Voice Notes to Spark Joy
What if today was my last?

Paid episode

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What if today was my last?

…and what would make it great?

We always assume we have more time. Yet there is no guarantee we’ll even take a next breath. Sharing how reflecting on the finite nature of time gives me some mental ease and changes how I choose to expend my mental energy.

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poetry in motion
Voice Notes to Spark Joy
Poetry in Motion is a reader supported newsletter + podcast with movement, nutrition and mindfulness techniques to live a more joyful life. The podcast is a culmination of sound bites of ideas, revelations and tools that come to me as I navigate my day, and that I hope provide some value, insight, or instigate a creative spark in you, the listener. You can find short and long form written content in my full archive of posts, which include weekly and monthly shares.